Our Causes

You can help by donating to our causes.
Christmas 2022

Christmas 2022

Help us give Christmas to 2,000 children in Nicaragua!! This will be our 7th year of doing this and we’re so thankful for everyone that supports us!


Christmas 2021

Christmas 2021

This is our 6th year of putting together Christmas for children in Nicaragua, in partnership with Pure Heart Children’s Fund.  Pure Heart is a local Nicaraguan charity that provides free meals to children living along the city dump.  They also have a preschool and serve the needy in the community.  And do so much more.


Christmas 2020

Christmas 2020

It started with 100 kids, last year we had the goal to help 300 children and were able to pass out over 500 presents. This year we would love to hit the goal of giving gifts to 600 children!


How you can help

Numbers of Volunteers

Our volunteers help purchase, wrap and deliver gifts each year to children, this is a process that lasts several months.

Give Monthly
Number of Gift Bags

We are projecting to give gifts to 700 kids this year as part of our Christmas campaign. 

Numbers of Volunteer Hours

We rely on volunteer hours for the success of the campaign.   There are no paid staff or administrators.  

Partner With Us


Christmas in Nicaragua 2021

We had a great Christmas activity in 2021. We were able to buy even more presents than originally planned and had over 1,200 kids at the various activities organized by Dean Peters and Pure Heart Children in several poor areas of Managua. Thanks to the team at Nicasource for helping us produce this great video […]

Helping During a Global Pandemic

There are a few big things the global pandemic have taught us about our efforts as a non-profit and the goals we might have to make a difference in the future. We have been hampered in being able to travel directly to our main locations where we provide support and help which has reminded us […]

Let Us Come Together: Kids Deserve a Future

Kids are the future and there are so many ways we can help kids in need by giving them hope for their world and hope for their own lives.   In many places poverty tends to be a cycle that is difficult for a kid to break out of.  Our partners take the approach that no […]

Donate Today to support our Huddle Foundation causes.