Helping During a Global Pandemic

There are a few big things the global pandemic have taught us about our efforts as a non-profit and the goals we might have to make a difference in the future. We have been hampered in being able to travel directly to our main locations where we provide support and help which has reminded us of the extreme importance of the on the ground and local support that is required. That local support doesn’t just have the ability to be there in person on a regular basis, but they also can understand how global events such as a pandemic are affecting the people in that area. We have learned that even in a time of global crisis that the response and needs still need to be customized for every specific location and we can’t assume that the best thing here is also the best thing there.

However, even with the importance of our local partners and volunteers we have additionally found that the remote support structure can be just as efficient without needing to be in person for every major event. Using video conferences to plan events or non-profit activities are just as useful as meeting in person. It has also taught us a valuable lesson that work can be done remotely, not just in our industries, but in nearly any industry. That type of remote work is something we expect to expand in the future which for many of the kids and people that we help could significantly expand their opportunities by no longer being limited by the boundaries of their own city or local economy.